- Indian Military Veterans


Veterans Welfare Latest News & 
Updates on various issues 
related to

Tri Services Pension – SPARSH -OROP


Pay Fixation and Service/Pension Rules
as per orders & Instructions of Govt of India.

Purpose of this website

             Pensioners of the Armed Forces  are different from  pensioners of  other departments of the Government of India. Some rules and regulations apply to public services. In order to sensitize them about the various rules, regulations, government programs related to ex-servicemen and the various social assistance programs for families of ex-servicemen, we refer to the government instructions on this subject. , published information on related topics. Here, we will discuss SPARSH, CSD, ECHS, OROPfamily pension, disability pension, Service pension, re-employment with life certificate and other welfare activities  to increase the awareness of beneficiaries. 


Mar 14, 2016

While in Kashi a friend of mine, an ardent devotee of Lalita, called up, "Hey since you are there you shouldn't fail to visit Sri Chakra Lingeshwara who was established there by Sri Muthuswami Dikshitar" (one of the three jewels of Carnatic music and a renowned Srividyopasaka). Rabdis, thandais and ghats interested me more but his desire to see Him through my eyes could not be failed. So we seeked out to find that quaint corner of Hanuman ghat where it was believed to be rested upon Sri Dikshitar's Guru's samadhi. 
At around 8 p.m. through the narrow lanes of the ghat we landed up in this extremely humble temple adjacent to Shankara Mutt where a Sri Vidya acharya and a Veda Parayana goshthi welcomed us in surprise. "May we know how did you find this temple? We ask just because it's one of the least heard places...are you folks in anyways connected to music?". We had a conversation and the acharya said that it's only because Swami wanted to see us that we are here that too in this auspicious time of Shivaratri and invited us the next morning to see him closely without the kavacha and offerings. 
Next day morning when we reached we were given a very warm welcome and amid the chanting of Sri Rudra Prasna were led to the sannidhi only to be taken aback by surprise, a vaishnava adorning urdhwa pundra was officiating the abhisheka ritual while predominantly smarthas and two vaishnavas were immersed in chanting. It was beautiful sight to behold the Banalinga which was intricately carved with the Srikanthas and Sivayuvatis with the Shodasha Dala and Ashta Dala are inscribed on the linga while the Bhupura on the Yoni Pitha. Shiva-Shakti Aikya Rupa! We were offered a seat to sit beside his sanctum for a while and after completion of the ritual the fruits and nirmalya were graciously offered to us. It felt like as if everything was prearranged for the visit… 
श्री चक्रराजलिंगेशं चिन्तितार्थप्रदं शिवम्
चित्सदानन्दकन्दं तं सेवे ब्रह्मादिसेवितम्

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